Barbora Kleinhamplová is visual artist and co-founder of the Institute of Anxiety, where she co-creates its year-round program. In her work, she uses associations and metaphors to explore the question of what constitutes society, what its ills and emotions are, and what its future holds in relation to institutions, work, the economy, and the political situation. She works with performative situations, which are often mediated through video and installations. Through the performativity that she employs in her works, she emphasizes the symbolic role of the politics of bodies in relation to the economic and power system. Barbora has exhibited in the Czech Republic and internationally – e.g. at SAVVY Contemporary, Art in General, Triennial of Contemporary Art U3, Gwangju Biennale, New Museum, Astrup Farnley Museet, or Jakarta Biennale. In 2015, she was awarded the Jindřich Chalupecký Prize.
Barbora Kleinhamplová

Visual artist and Institute of Anxiety co-founder