Graduated from FAMU. For many years, she was documenting the Roma and Vietnamese community in Czechoslovakia and since 1983 also the visitors of the Prague T-Club, one of the two gay and lesbian bars in Prague at that time. A significant part of her work consists of self-portraits. In 1985, thanks to a fake marriage, she moved to West Berlin, and upon her return in 1992 she began teaching photography at the Secondary Industrial School of Graphic Arts in Hellichova Street in Prague, where she worked until recently. Her award-winning monograph Černé roky was published in 2017 and in 2019 she published a selection of photographs from the years 1970 – 1989 in a book called Evokativ. The accompanying exhibition of the same name at the 2019 Les Rencontres d'Arles festival was named the best exhibition of the year by The Guardian in its annual summary. Evokativ also won the title of the 2019 Photographic Publication of the Year awarded by the Association of Czech Photographers and Jarcovjáková became the 2019 Personality of Czech Photography. She is currently planning to publish a book of photographs from the T-Club and a publication about Berlin.
Libuše Jarcovjáková

Photographer and educator