Inspiration Forum

Third session of the IF Lab 2023/24 at Sensorium in Bratislava

The three-day residency was held against the backdrop of the Sensorium festival, a platform for creative encounters connecting new approaches in contemporary music and interdisciplinary work. In addition to further project development and tutor consultations, the programme of the meeting focused on the possibilities of communicating research through art, which was the subject of a workshop with visual artist András Czefalvay. For the first time, interdisciplinary teams presented their upcoming projects to the public and consulted with guest critics.

Workshop with András Czefalvay

The workshop with visual artist András Czefalvay focused on the possibilities of communicating the main idea of the projects and looked for ways to strengthen them through the media used.

Public showcase

The public presentation to an audience of Sensorium festival that included students of local art school was a great opportunity to test whether the upcoming projects succeed in conveying the main message of the artistic research to a wide audience.

Mentoring sessions with guest critics

Following the presentations, the groups met with three visiting expert critics who address the intersection of art, digital culture and technology Lucia Dubačová, an international cultural strategist and curator focusing on digital arts and culture, Jaroslav Kyša, an artist working in visual art and Igor Rjabinin is a developer, researcher, and open-source enthusiast interested in the overlaps between math, art, and programming. Their feedback focused on the intended format for the presentation of each art project in the Display Gallery during a group exhibition (including language, visual language, metaphors, etc.).

Sound performance

During the evening programme of Sensorium, the trio of artists Mae Lubetkin, Kosmas Dinh and Michal Mitro presented the sonic part of the piece Amphibious Tremology, which recontextualizes the act of listening from its sonic essence to the observation and sonification of so-called vibroscapes.

The Inspiration Forum Lab is organized by Ji.hlava IDFF’s Inspiration Forum in cooperation with Kersnikova Institute, Sensorium and Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice.

The project is co-funded by the European Union, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and Czech State Fund.