Inspiration Forum

Home and the Fight for Free Time

Can we finally reclaim it?

Oct 26

05:30pm - 07:00pm

keynote and conversation


Home and the Fight for Free Time

Carers, not coders, are the future of work. Can Western society adapt to this reality? And what significant challenges does this pose for societies, communities and families? The post-work model aims to maximise the amount of free time and freedom available to everyone, but its application to caregiving is stalling. What has the history of the home looked like over the last century – from running water to appliances and smart homes? What obstacles, challenges, and dramatic reversals have repeated efforts to reduce the burden of domestic work faced? And what might its future look like if we embark on the path to true leisure for all?

With the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Czech Republic and the Masaryk Democracy Academy.



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