Russia is waging two wars in Europe. The more terrible one is taking place in Ukraine. And in addition to human lives and livelihoods, it is devastating the countryside. The impact on human health and the ecosystems here is enormous. And Vladimir Putin is also waging an energy war on Europe. High electricity and gas prices are driving people into poverty, threatening our social harmony and the stability of democratic regimes. What does a conflict-torn landscape look like, and what is the most effective way of helping? How is Europe dealing with the emergency shortage of raw materials from Russia? Which course will Europe and Ukraine take in the upcoming years?
Guests: Anna Ackermann, Martin Jirušek, Miriam Macurová
Moderated by: Helena Truchlá
Language versions: original (Czech and English) | Czech
In collaboration with Aktuálně.cz and support of the Current Time TV, and the Goethe-Institut Czech Republic.