The Inspiration Forum is an opportunity for us to discover new perspectives and communicate with each other. That's why we bring together people from different disciplines, from the humanities and sciences, technology and media to art and film. Since 2011, we have welcomed a number of global thinkers, scientists, local activists and artists to Jihlava, as well as those who do not normally receive media attention. Meet the people who have inspired us over the years.

Juraj Lukáč
Nature conservationist

Lukáš Likavčan

Feminist collective

Ondřej Lánský
Sociolog a sociální teoretik

Kateřina Lukavská
Psychology researcher

Marta Lempart
Women’s rights activist

Vojta Lavička
Musician, activist and journalist

Vera Lacková
Filmmaker and owner of the production company Media Voice

Mirjami Lantto Klein
Geographer, researcher

Mae Lubetkin
Ocean scientist, writer, and artist

Jonathan Ledgard

Silvie Lauder

Dominika Lasota
Climate and anti-war activist

Daniel Leisegang
Political scientist