Inspiration Forum

All for the Forest and the Forest for All

A common path to survival and recovery

Oct 27

12:30pm - 02:00pm

panel discussion


Forests are places of mystery, life and renewal – they are at the centre of the struggle for the sustainability of our planet. How do forests support our physical and mental health and how can we contribute to their protection and restoration? What will best protect and develop our forests to ensure their long-term prosperity and health? How can forests help people and how can people help them, either as foresters, conservationists, or "mere" visitors? And what should or shouldn’t be included in the currently discussed amendments to the Forest and Hunting Act to improve the state of our forests? The debate will focus on the connection between forests and people from the perspective of science, spiritual perception and practical forest care.

In collaboration with Hnutí DUHA.
Supported by the Forests of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.

