Inspiration Forum

Haptic Forest Spa

Moss, pine needles, insects on your shoulder

Oct 27

02:00pm - 03:30pm



Haptic forest spas are places for mindfulness and communication through touch. The sense of touch informs us about the various qualities of objects. It helps us feel density, hardness, softness, warmth, coldness, tenderness and roughness. But it's so much more than that. Touch nourishes our nervous system, and triggers both relaxation and the stress response. If we let go of the one-way concept of touching non-human actors, a new world opens up that touches us. In the forest, it may be the pine needles we walk on, the branch that brushes against our shoulder, the fly that settles on our arm, the pine cone we grasp in the palm of our hand, or the moss we lay down to rest in. Engage creatively with the forest community, creating temporary art objects and situations.

Capacity: 15 participants.

With the support of the Forests of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.

Guided by