Inspiration Forum

The Call of the Forest

Connecting with roots

Forests are living organisms. They embody the complexity and interconnectedness of natural ecosystems. They cover more than a third of the Earth's landmass and play a key role in biodiversity conservation and climate regulation. They absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen and provide homes for many species. Yet they are threatened by illegal logging, deforestation and fires. For many communities, forests are also a cultural and spiritual space. A sacred place that combines tradition and modern challenges. We will focus on the future of forests in terms of sustainable management, restoring deforested areas and protecting biodiversity. We will explore how forests affect our health, social life and how they can become a source of inspiration and spiritual strength. How can we ensure that forests remain healthy and thriving for future generations? And how can we contribute to their protection and restoration ourselves? What is the ideal forest and what future awaits us in the face of climate change?